Good Causes register to benefit from South & East Lincolnshire Community Lottery
Over 30 good causes have already registered to sign up to benefit from the new South & East Lincolnshire Community Lottery.
A virtual event was held on 27th September to give good causes a first look at how the lottery will work, as well as giving them a chance to sign up and start fundraising with the lottery. The event was a great success, with many good causes showing an interest. Organisations ranging from sports clubs to day centres have taken up the offer to give their fundraising a boost.
It's not too late though, good causes still are being encouraged to sign up, there's no limit on the number of causes that can join. Each good cause will be given its own page on the website to direct their supporters to. Causes will receive 50p from every £1 ticket they sell, with a further 10p going into a Central Fund that will also be distributed to good causes. Any not-for-profit organisation that is interested can sign up here
Ann Luffman of Woodhall Cricket Club said, "We signed up to fundraise with the lottery because it will allow us to raise money online, all year round without needing to print tickets or source prizes. We're excited to give our supporters a fun way to boost our fundraising, and maybe even win a cash prize."
With so many good causes signed up, it will soon be time for the lottery to open to ticket sales. Ticket sales for the lottery will launched 18th October 2022. Players will have the chance to win cash prizes of up to £25,000, whilst supporting the good cause of their choice. It's a win-win situation!