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Council partnership builds for the future as Workforce Strategy is adopted

To deliver more efficient services for residents and help businesses build a prosperous local economy for all, council staff need to have the right skills and training to deliver these ambitions for the south and east Lincolnshire sub-region.

That's the message from senior leaders from the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership - the largest such partnership of councils in the country - as they launch a new Workforce Development Strategy for its 900 staff.

The plan details how the Partnership will develop its workforce over the coming four years, setting out a number of key priorities and actions.

These include:

  • developing a motivated and empowered workforce that makes the most out of existing and emerging technology to deliver more efficient and flexible services to residents
  • attracting and retaining employees by offering progressive development opportunities and becoming an employer of choice
  • delivering better services to residents through a healthier and happier workforce by prioritising physical and mental health support.

Council Leaders from Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council and South Holland District Council which form the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership officially launched last October, believe the workforce is instrumental in delivering better services and outcomes for residents of each region.

South Holland District Council Leader Gary Porter said: "Our councils partnership aims to help deliver multi-million pound infrastructure and investment into the sub-region to improve the lives of residents and the only way we can do that is with well trained and well-motivated staff.

"Ultimately, our success will depend on staff who are happy and healthy and have the right skills to help us achieve our ambitions for the future."

Councillor Craig Leyland, Leader of East Lindsey District Council, says the ability to attract and retain employees will ultimately mean more efficient council services to businesses and residents.

"People are the heart of any organisation and building on the existing talent and skills the current workforce has by ensuring they have access to the right training and opportunities means we can deliver more efficient services to residents."

Having a healthy work/life balance and a supportive culture across the workforce is also key to success, says Boston Borough Council Leader, Paul Skinner.

"We aim to promote a culture across the organisation that is deeply rooted in respect and shared values, and for the ability of employees to have their say in the things we do. We know that where organisations have a shared culture of respect and togetherness, staff perform to the best of their abilities.

"Colleagues across the three councils have been instrumental in the successes we've already achieved in the Partnership since its creation last year. This strategy clearly sets out our ambitions for the future which puts staff at the heart of everything they do which means we can deliver even better outcomes for residents and businesses across our sub-region."

The Workforce Development Strategy can be viewed below.

26 May 2022 

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